PREMIER’S AWARD: NEUON AI SDN BHD. Recognizing their groundbreaking contributions – locally-owned AI intellectual property, displaying good financial sustainability, with a robust and scalable platform. Their transformative impact and work with the AI and group sourced big data seeks to aid in areas such as road maintenance and road safety across Sarawak.
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION AWARD: SILICONNET TECHNOLOGIES SDN BHD. Driving Sarawak towards a cashless society, igniting a revolution in payment systems.
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AND COMMERCIALIZATION AWARD: NEUON AI SDN BHD. Pioneering industry advancement through automated vision technology. Their locally developed AI platform is affordable, user-friendly, and scalable, paving the way for innovation and community engagement.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STARTUP AWARD: HORNBILL NETWORKS CONSORTIUM SDN BHD. Honoring innovation and sustainability in affordable housing, eco-friendly practices, and cost-of-living reduction, with Samariang Avenue leading the way.
DIGITAL INCLUSIVITY AWARD: MALAYSIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA COMMISSION (MCMC). Recognizing Pelan Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) – Initiative 2020-2025, for impactful community contributions, extensive rural coverage, sustainable government funding, and empowering community entrepreneurial programs.
DIGITAL GOVERNMENT AWARD: FOREST DEPARTMENT SARAWAK. Applauding Sarawak Logs Tracking and Forest Revenue System (REVLOG) for enhancing Sarawak Timber Legality Verification System (STLVS), streamlining revenue collection with reduced reporting times, cost-efficiency, and revenue growth.
DIGITAL CREATIVE CONTENT AWARD: MYCONTENT DISTRIBUTION SDN BHD. Celebrating Sarawak’s international presence through “Tebus The Movie” on global streaming platforms, helping to promote local talent, culture, and tourism.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: SINISANA TECHNOLOGIES SDN. BHD. Recognizing the world’s first blockchain-traceable sustainable pallet with its scalable, affordable, low-maintenance, and environmentally impactful solution, championing circular economy.
DIGITAL LEADERSHIP AWARD: SILICONNET TECHNOLOGIES SDN. BHD. Leading the Sarawak Digital Economy Initiative with the successful implementation of SPayGlobal throughout Sarawak. Acknowledged for catalyzing behavioral transformations in society and business, promoting inclusivity, and driving digital transformation forward.